– By CharlesKu, audiocircle.com
I would like to share you my experience. I had order OPPO sonica DAC as my audio player. What I should do is to convert my CD to digital files and save it as a *.wav files in USB. Then I can play it via OPPO sonica DAC. My speaker is KEF LS50. I choose a pair of STA-9 as my power amp to ended up my system. This is because when I wish to purchase ST10 I found that there are no DEMO of ST10 amp but STA-9 amp.

It sound good and I decided to purchase a pair of it. I search the internet where I could buy it with my credit card with zero interest for 24 months. I found that there are many, like YAHOO mall, ET mall, u-mall, MOMO mall in Taiwan. Why I choose Nuprime product? This is because I had read the review from web site of u-audio. http://review.u-audio.com.tw/reviewdetail.asp?reviewid=1220, http://review.u-audio.com.tw/reviewdetail.asp?reviewid=1258. And then I found that there is a forum here. I like the NuPrime of its good sound and has a forum here to discuss and share our experience. I am a newbie and younger audiophile, too. Before I end at my system with NuPrime, I had consider the DIY brand of Breeze audio C20 as player and DAC (a digital player come with ES9018K2M of DAC with a bluetooth 4.2), SMSL SA-98E (160w*2, Class D power amp) as power amp. These set of system is good sound for me when I listen it at other place. So, I decided to set a system (a combo of player with good DAC and power amp) which may come with better sound. I also consider the set of OPPO UDP 205 with Integra DTA 70.1 or NuPrime MCH-K38. I give up due to it may cost me a lot of money.